(a functional parallel programming system)

ocamlp3l is a parallel programming system based on Objective Caml and the P3L languages, providing seamless integration of parallel programming and functional programming and advanced features like sequential logical debugging of parallel programs and strong typing, useful both in teaching parallel programming and in the building of full-scale applications.

The ocamlp3l system has been partially funded by a Galileo bilateral France-Italy project and by the CARAML French ACI initiative.

The source code and the user manual are available under anonymous CVS following the instructions given here and can be browsed on the web.

ocamlp3l past and present project members

  • Emmanuel Chailloux
  • Marco Danelutto
  • Roberto Di Cosmo
  • Xavier Leroy
  • Zheng Li
  • Susanna Pelagatti
  • Pierre Weis